Saturday 20 September 2008

My regular saturday...

yawnsssssssss... *stretches*.. it's yet another saturday morning with mummy not having to rush off to work & me getting my morning walk! *yippie*

it usually starts with a visit to the basketball court where i get to be off-leashed!!! *visualise those animals in Born Free documentaries*.. i get to run FREE, wind in my face, tongues lolling
(minus the slobbering).

after we are done with warming up at the court, we are off to our next station, crossing the overhead bridge!

for this station, mummy will also off-leashed me at the foot of the bridge & we will race to the top!!! .. no prizes for guessing who's always the winner... while mummy is panting like a dog, ill be checking out the ongoing traffic beneath...vroommmm... zoommmmm... *horn*, *brakes*.. i get to see cars of all sizes & colors... OoOooo... did i just spot a 7 series beemer?... rich ppl we have here in punggol!

once im done with the kapo-ing, mummy will leash me & we will descend to continue with our regular route....

its SOP that mummy will brush me after each walks *flexes my muscles*..... oops.. side-tracked for a sec.. kekek... where were we?

Oh yes, brushing? yikes! i totally hates it! so i'll usually throw a hissy fit to show my displeasure before letting her "neaten" me up.. so sissy isnt it? hmpf!...

as i was expecting to head home... a lady approached us with big smiles, waving & all... grrrr.. *intruder alert!!* ...*defence mechanism loaded & ready to protect my mummy*

i started barking at her ferociously, putting up a false bravado, hoping that she back off ...but boy was i wrong! she continued smiling and even tried to bribe me with food!

A man came along and i interrogated him by sniffing him out. He seemed to be in cahoots with the lady and offered me food as well! All this while, mummy seemed to be friendly with them (yakking.. smiling & all) & it dawns on me that they could be mummy's frens! *paw-seh* *blush*
It turns out that they are our neighbors, Jayne jiejie & HB from BLOCK E! *faints... dig me a hole pronto!*

The hoo-mans... continued yakking while Jayne jiejie bribed me with wholemeal bread & biscuits she brought along to win me over *hugs.. u r soo nice*

Once they are done yakking & im done with whatever available bribery she brought along (bring me more next time ya *winks*... we bounded home to tell papa our lil encounter..

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