Saturday 24 October 2009

Tau Sar Piah incident

they said those who tries hard enough will definitely be rewarded?

i managed to tipped the whole box of Tau Sar Piah from our kitchen top and had a whale of a time outta it :p while i'm at it, i chanted " i must, i must, i must must must must"... thru-out this operation! (it works! try it *wink*)

none to say, the sight that greeted my mummy wasn't as pleasant as what i thought! (why not mummy? i had a fun tea session sans the tea!)

i got a deadly glare & "what have you done again!!!!"yada..yada..yada.. (endless loop) from mummy~ oopsie ~ sensing that mummy don't share my idea of fun, i did an impromptu wide-eyed innocent "where did i go wrong mummy" as this never failed (till date) to make her go "awwww.. that's alright baby, just don't do it again!" .. hee heee..

while mummy was busy clearing up the "mess", i proudly hang around, showing her my masterpiece ~

note to all furbies:
perfect this look & u can get away with absolutely ANYTHING!

well. end of the day, i did not entirely get away with this mischief... i was .. sobs.. sent to bed without dinner! *bawls* i shall content with whatever remains of the Tau Sar Piah in my tum tum.. *burps*

hmmpft.. go away.. kiss my sexy tush "p

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